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CalDAV - Synchronize your calendar in Easy Project to your mobile device

CalDAV - Synchronize your calendar in Easy Project to your mobile device

CalDAV can be enabled in Administration » Settings » General.

Synchronize your meetings in Easy Project to your mobile device.

  • iOS devices have CalDAV integrated
  • Android devices require an application: https://play.google.com/store/search?q=caldav

The process is the same for both. Use the following link in the CalDAV processing tool:
[your domain]/caldav/easy_meeting
for example https://demo.easyproject.com/caldav/easy_meeting

Enter your login and password.

Then just select these events to view on your mobile calendar.

Be aware that in case of two-way synchronization, deleted events from your mobile may result in deletion in Easy Project.


Additional information

CalDAV – Easy Project calendar can be synced in one direction through .ical format or bi-directionally using CalDAV tools:

CalDav on Windows platforms:

  • Outlook users may use free of charge synchronization plugin for Outlook allowing to sync meetings between any folder in Outlook (including the one connected to Exchange) and Easy. It also can synchronize Easy Project contacts (CardDav).
  • Thunderbird users can use built-in calendar which supports CalDAV synchronization by default.
  • Windows 10 phone has limitations in this functionality due to its restrictions for DAV servers. Windows users have 3 options: 1) Exchange server users may achieve full synchronization through their Exchanges in combination with above-mentioned Outlook plugin. 2) Using ical and connect it with Outlook.com or Gmail calendar services. Then phone calendar from Easy Project is read-only. 3) The 3rd opting is a paid app - PH Cloud CalDav Sync.

CalDav on Apple platforms:

Default calendars on all Apple devices natively support CalDAV.

CalDAV Android phones:

There are various free apps that provide CalDAV support. Among those tested are DAVx⁵ (formerly DAVDroid), Caldav Sync Free Beta.


Corner situations

  • CalDAV synchronization can only be used for users logging in via internal application login/password. User logging in via LDAP will not be able to use CalDAV. However, there are other options to sync calendars - eg. iCal
  • When you have synchronized Easy Attendance Calendar with an external calendar system via CalDav, a valid approval of attendance (such as a vacation) in Easy Project would be canceled by accidentally moving this attendance to another day in the external calendar system, without notification of this change in the CalDav journal. The very same thing might happen even without CalDav synchronization just by moving an approved attendance to another day in Easy Attendance Calendar, however, in such a case, notification of this change is available in the CalDav journal.

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