Professional project templates by Easy Project

Start your project with a free or professional template.
In Easy Project, you will find over 25 ready-to-use project templates.

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Project templates based on the highest industry standards

Would you like to know how top performing companies breakdown their projects and manage their timely delivery? Then professional project templates are for you.

Based on best industry and project management standards, Easy Project templates will be a guideline for the project management beginners and save lots of time to industry experts.

The templates include professional project management tools such as Gantt, WBS, or Resource Management. Of course, you can export any template into PDF. All templates are free to try.

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CompliancePoint, Inc., USA
Easy Project hat es uns ermöglicht, die Kontrolle über unsere Projekte zu übernehmen, effizienter zu werden und Einblicke in Projekte zu haben, die wir in der Vergangenheit nicht hatten. Der Kundenservice von Easy Project hat uns dabei geholfen, unsere einzigartigen Geschäftsanforderungen zu erfüllen.

Project templates in every Easy Project

Strategic projects

Create a bridge between the ambitions of the top management and daily activities

Product development projects

We have a solution for every development model

HR projects

To simplify the processes of recruitment, retention, interviewing, training and motivation of employees

Back office projects

Project template built to allow for close cooperation with client, extensive planning and careful concept definition.

Professional production projects templates

Serial production

Universal project template that can be used for wide spectrum of products


Small scale production

Project template that allows for cooperation with client, audits, prototyping and other small scale production nuances



Project template that will help to streamline changeover process and avoid possible pitfalls.


Custom production

Project template built to allow for close cooperation with client, extensive planning and careful concept definition.


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