New Easy Project 2019
with Business Intelligence included

Make your projects more profitable with new powerful features like
Business Intelligence, Scheduler, Cost Breakdown Structure and more...

I migliori strumenti e pratiche di PM

Diagramma di Gantt, WBS, Task & Time Tracking, Kanban, SCRUM, Risorse e molto altro ancora, tutto integrato in un'unica applicazione.

Facile da usare

Configura automaticamente permessi e flussi di lavoro con un clic. 15 ruoli predefiniti e dashboard adatte a tutte le aziende.

Accesso rapido

I data center situati in tutto il mondo e le soluzioni per il tuo server, garantiscono risposte rapide da qualsiasi luogo.

100% mobile

Tenetevi aggiornati sullo stato di avanzamento dei vostri progetti in qualsiasi momento e in qualsiasi luogo con la nostra App mobile.

What's new?

  • New Global Dashboards - New visual Dashboards will get you a perfect overview of all the progress on projects, tasks, milestones, sprints, resources, time tracking, budgets, people, test cases just like other project management areas.
  • Business Intelligence - It's not just a fancy word nowadays. BI brings all key data, metrics and KPIs about your projects & business on a single well-arranged screen. One look and you get all important insights you need to make the right decision.
  • Scheduler – it's basically a calendar, but rethinked and improved. Scheduler gives you control over your tasks, meetings, attendance, CRM cases, sales activities and resources on a single calendar screen. Great for all company levels – managers use it to distribute work to the whole team and workers manage their daily agenda.
  • Cost Breakdown Structure – the easiest way to manage project finances visually. Just display your projects costs, revenues, profits (both in plan and reality) in a visual mind map.
  • Resource Management reservations – the feature that has been the most wanted by our users. Create a reservation of resources using drag and drop without assigning to a specific task or project.
  • Agile improvements – intuitive dragging & dropping in a Scrum board and more updates based on users feedback.


CompliancePoint, Inc.
Easy Project ci ha permesso di prendere finalmente il controllo dei nostri progetti, di diventare più efficienti e di avere una panoramica generale sull'andamento dei progetti che non avevamo mai avuto prima d'ora. Lo staff di supporto di Easy Project ci ha aiutato moltissimo nel modificare il software per soddisfare tutte le nostre particolari necessità.

+ 56%

Efficienza Superiore

+ 75%

Teamwork Migliorato

+ 32%

Risparmio di Tempo

+ 81%

Aumento Produttività

+ 57%

Risparmio di Risorse

Dati basati su ricerche svolte su oltre 40.000 utenti di Easy Project.

Detailed specification of Easy Project 2019 update

New Global Dashboards

Easy Project has in-depth pre-prepared visual dashboards for any project management area you can imagine - projects, tasks, milestones, sprints, resources, time tracking, budgets, people, test cases, etc.

Why wasting time with creating new dashboards from scratch? Just open the one you need with one click only from your homepage or More menu.

With Easy Project Global Dashboards, your project team will not miss any important news anymore. Stay in the picture and make informed project management decisions.


All tasks, meetings, attendance, CRM cases, sales activities and resources on a single well-arranged calendar screen. Plus all entities can be easily distributed and edited with a drag & drop feature.

It makes daily working much easier for both workers and managers. Managers can use it as a tool for task allocation of teams and subordinates. Regular workers will benefit by using Scheduler to manage their own tasks and other entities.

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Business Intelligence

BI brings you important insights and overviews of your projects and company performance. Therefore it will be easier to make decisions that are based on real data.

The most important ROI in a particular business segment can be viewed by product / project / country. Total number is calculated based on:

  • incomes & revenues (invoicing)
  • project earnings
  • project costs
  • personal costs (spent time X hourly rates)
  • other costs
  • CRM data
  • campaign cost (Google Ads connection)

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Cost Breakdown Structure = CBS

You can call it Visual finance management too. CBS is now an integrated part of our existing Work Breakdown Structure feature. You can see & manage projects and tasks finances right from a mind map view. Just display your projects costs, revenues, profit.

Plus you can continuously compare the actual costs with the budget, and integrate to the cost control system.

On top of that, you can create new entries easily right in the mind map.

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Agile improvements

  • New quick planner – create new tasks simply right from backlog
  • A search function available right from backlog
  • Smart sprint control – automatic comparison of planned time versus resource capacity
  • Intuitive drag & drop function in a Scrum Board

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Resource Management Reservations

Custom reservations without assigning a specific task or project. Just by using drag and drop you can plan your (or your team) time – easy, simple and quick. 

This feature has been developed as the most wanted one based on users feedback – plan and utilize your resources like never before.

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Compatibile con gli standard IPMA & PMI

SHINE Consulting Ltd. - detentore della Certificazione "Project Management in Practice" riguardante il programma di formazione per Project Management (Standard Internazionali IPMA), oltre ad essere membro del PMI R.E.P. Registered Education Provider. ** Il Logo di PMI Registered Education Provider è un marchio registrato di Project Management Institute, Inc

100% GDPR compliance

Easy Software takes personal data protection seriously. European regulation known as general Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) brings a number of challenges to all organizations and became one of the most resonated business topics.

Our mission is to provide Easy Project clients and basically all Project community with a reliable software which allows fulfilling all duties of Data Processors efficiently. Easy Project is 100% GDPR-ready from version 1.3 (May 2018).

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