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Awara - IT Project Management


IT Consulting





Initial solution:

Redmine, MS Project, Kayako



Awara IT Solutions is one of the leading providers of IT services and solutions for efficient business in Russia. In addition, Awara provides service for customers from Scandinavia and Western Europe. They implemented Easy Project to connect support with project management.


Before they implemented Easy Project, the client used three systems at the same time: Redmine and MS Project for project management and Kayako for automating customer support services. The advantage of this solution has been its disability to unify support and project management into one system.

That is why the main requirement for Easy Project was its complexity - aggregation of various business processes such as planning, project management, automation of customer support, budget monitoring, back office processes: scheduling, attendance, payments - all in one system.


Awara acquiredEasy Project in November 2013. They have implemented it on its own server for unlimited number of users. Before Easy Project was fully launched in May 2014, many modifications took place Thanks to the flexibility of setting, the main requirements of the client were implemented through standard setting and  specific requirements were developed to client´s requirements.

How does Awara use Easy Project?

  • Implementation of projects - task tracking, Gantt charts, tracking hours worked, advanced custom fields, filtering and scrolling, fast project scheduler, utilization of resources, knowledge and documentation.
  • Automation of customer support - automatic task entering from requests sent by e-mail, division of requirements according to predefined addresses, special projects for customer support, creating client access to Easy Project, creation of tasks from a template through the "magic button" (Java script that allows to create tasks with predefined parameters).
  • Financial management - budget planning, transparent labor costs, automated salary counting, monitoring costs for each task (module "Project budget & Cash-Flow").


Awara IT - Easy Project 2014 - Project budget - wage Monitoring Costs
Client paid for the support 7200 rubles a month. 
Worker's hourly rate is 400 rubles.
Estimated time allocation is 9 hours, actual time worked is 8 hours.
Planned profit is 3,600 rubles, real profit is 4,000 rubles.

Plug-ins used

  • Resource utilization
  • Payroll and billing statements
  • Help desk - Customer Support Management
  • Editable print templates
  • Knowledge and documentation of the projects
  • Interactive notebook
  • List of attachments of the entire project
  • Price calculation of projects
  • Alerts - early warning system
  • Calculated user fields
  • Quick project planner

Client's statement

Working with Easy Project fully meets all of our requirements. In comparison with other systems, Easy Project has a very high level of project management.  We wish the whole team to have ambitious plans and plenty of inspiration!

Vladimir Zharov, Senior Consultant, Awara IT Solutions / Awara Group

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