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Client project management in an advertising agency Minkenberg Medien


Advertising agency



Original application:

own application



Advertising agency Minkenberg Medien GmbH specializes mainly on contracts in digital environment where clients' requirements usually change quickly. Elmar Branch, CEO, told us that Easy Project helps the agency to manage everything to the satisfaction of the most important people - their clients. 

Original condition

The company originally used project management software  that they've created themselves It was a simple system involving the creation of tasks, their association under the projects and some other basic functions. When the basic functions weren't sufficient to the agency's needs, the company management began to look for a more sophisticated project solutions.

Project solution requirements

"In the company we have to see the projects from an 360 degrees angle so we can deliver top quality services to our customers. Projects are frequently changed due to ongoing customers´ requirements. Changes must be clearly defined, communication with clients must be fast, clear and to the point. Everything must be done quickly, smoothly and correctly. "

Elmar Branch, CEO of Minkenberg Medien GmbH, Germany

Project software selection

Elmar Branch, CEO, told us that he took time to choose the software.

"Within a month I explored between 30-40 with marketed products - I don't know exactly, but it was not easy. I discovered that most of the solutions are missing at least 20-30% of our required functions. After the first round however, I was certain that the new tool must perfectly work with tickets, as it is the key for the proper clients´ projects management. "

Why was Easy Project chosen?

"Easy Project convinced me with  its speed and simplicity in handling tickets, projects and tasks. Unlike in other softwares, it is possible to create a ticket intuitively and in a few clicks. "

Evaluation of benefits

"I appreciate Easy Project the most for work with the tickets. When I edit a ticket I am able to update its status, track time or edit entries and comments, and I can do all that in one go. "

"I can say that thanks to Easy Project, we can make better decisions. We are now able to record more relevant data that enable us to measure and analyze and therefore we are able to do more effective decision-making. "

Plug-ins used

  • Payroll and billing statements
  • CRM - business management
  • Contacts
  • Project budgeting and cash-flow
  • Calculation of projects and price offers

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