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DIGITECH ČR - project management in software company

Company DIGITECH ČR operates on the market over 15 years and is a supplier of information technologies for logistics and distribution fields. The company uses Easy Project for the implementations of Project Management and Helpdesk Management.

Required solution

Obtain an overview of current tasks and statuses of their fulfillment. Improving the processes of handling requirements from Helpdesk and a tool for recording contacts.

Original condition

Internal communication proceeded through emails and phones. Excel sheet was used for recording requirements from Helpdesk. Contacts weren't stored at one place, and all workers kept their own contact records.

After Easy Project implementation

Clear monitoring of the fulfillment of the tasks and storage of the updated history by using the extended plug-ins such as Contacts, Helpdesk and Money.

The most useful features:

  • Monitoring of tasks sorted by deadlines through saved listings of the tasks
  • Monitoring of business trips through reports and recording of business trips related expenses.
  • Helpdesk - simplified receiving of Helpdesk requirements, access to updated list of requirements and their fulfillment status through online interface, improved coordination and monitoring of Helpdesk task fulfillment, communication with customers via the Easy Project and storing the history of solving the requirements.
  • Contacts - unified management of the entire company's contacts and the storage of additional contacts information

Probieren Sie Easy Project anhand einer 30-tägigen Probeversion

Alle Funktionen, SSL-geschützt, tägliche Backups, in Ihrem Geo-Standort