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Projektil - project management in an architectural studio

Projectile - managing architectural projects

Architectural Studio Projektil is the leading Czech provider of architectural services and the winner of the Grand Prix. It uses Easy Project for monitoring time worked on the projects in their various stages.

Software requirements for project management

Software accessible via Internet - a web browser Easy recording of time worked on projects and monitoring of individual phases of projects. 

Extent of implementation

Easy Project is used by approximately 12 workers in the company. A key feature is the recording of the time worked and related payroll costs of the projects. There are approximately 40 active projects in the system, and they are divided into various phases.

While implementing Easy Project, import of historical data took place on the labor intensity of projects dating 1.5 years back.

Operation in Cloud

Modules used

  • Money - project budgets, labor and other costs monitoring
  • Reports - workers´ invoices
  • Tasks and projects - milestones to which the projects are divided
  • Outputs for invoices of additional work on projects

Probieren Sie Easy Project anhand einer 30-tägigen Probeversion

Alle Funktionen, SSL-geschützt, tägliche Backups, in Ihrem Geo-Standort