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The Ministry of Transport - Minister´s Office Management

Ministry of Transport - a case study of the project management office operations

Easy Project Implementation for the cabinet of the Minister of Transport. Minister´s Office Management - project managing across the intermingling sub-organizations, simplifying of entering tasks from appointments (removing quantities of confusing text documents), coordination of operations in the Cabinet.

Original condition and related deficiencies

Tasks entered orally or by e-mail. Unclear, task fulfillment condition is not easily traceable, there is lack of a simple overview of  task fulfillment condition

Planning and coordination of projects - ad hoc via e-mail, spreadsheets.

After implementation of Easy Project

a) Cabinet Agenda

  • Creating tasks such as "Meeting". For each  "Meeting" there are entry fields for entering participants and attaching registrations. With "Meeting" you can create related tasks consequent from discussions at the meeting.
  • For each created task there is related responsible person, date and priority assigned. There may be files and invited participants submitted with the tasks.

b) Sub-organizations projects

  • Created templates for projects - each project is given a uniform structure. The template facilitates project planning and its coordination
  • Project teams put together throughout the sub-organizations. Applications of project and matrix organizational structure

Benefits after the implementation of project management

  • Track of appointments (plug-in: Calendar and appointments scheduling )
  • Project overviews, related tasks and their fulfillment (plug-in: Calendar and appointments scheduling )
  • Alerts about the task fulfillment by email (plug-in: Alerts - early warning system)

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