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Transporeon - effective resource management in logistics


IT solution in logistics



Former solution:

several web applications + MS Project



TRANSPOREON group offers 3 SaaS solutions, which currently connect more than 1 000 of shippers, 45 000 of carriers and 100 000 of users from more than 85 countries. Easy Project allows to the group more effective resource management.

We asked Paul Lendrates who's in charge of company's software infrastructure, how is the company satisfied with Easy Project after a year of its using.

What led you in the beginning to the decision of looking for a tool to help you better manage your projects?

Our company really "grew in size" in recent years and along with that the complexity of project management increased. We quickly realized that we needed to find a new platform, some more sophisticated solution that would help us manage projects and agenda more effectively.

How long did the process of choosing the right solution take?

I would like to note that we have agreed in our firm already in the beginning that it should be a SaaS solution running in a web browser. The reason was that we wanted an application that is easy to use, executable from anywhere and won't be demanding for IT infrastructure. The whole process of testing and choosing of the right solution took us about a year.

Why did you decide for the Easy Project in your company?

We were looking for a solution which would allow us more complex functioning and more effective management. The Easy Project plug-in of resource management fulfilled our requirements and expectations and all that for a reasonable price.

Were you choosing from other tools/platforms as well?

Of course, we tested many applications. However, we found out that most of the solutions on the market have only a limited functionality which isn't sufficient for our needs.  Besides Easy Project, we found other solutions as well which would suit our needs with its functionality, but they seemed overpriced to us.

Can you specify and quantify the improvement that has taken place thanks to the Easy Project?

I would like to, but it's hard to measure it, because we deal with hundreds of different project every year. But I can confidently say that the transparency of projects was increased. In practice this means that thanks to the resource planning, we know what cost us how much money and where we have spare capacity, which streamlines and simplifies our project management.

Thank you for the interview and wish you many successful project in the future.

Thanks, you too.

Used plugins

  • Resource management

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