Integration of Easy Project
Here you find the best tools for synchronization or migrating data from third-party systems into Easy Project. Are you interested in how to integrate or migrate data from third-party systems to Easy Project? Then ask us for consultation.

Jira migration
Migrate from Jira without worries and wasting time. You'll get a full service thanks to our in-house Jira Migrator, where we transfer up to 90% of your data.

Integration using Zapier
Do you wonder how to integrate Easy Project with third-party systems? Thanks to Zapier platform, it is pretty simple. Read more in this article.

Integration using
Integrate Easy Project with third-party systems using a no-code and visual workflow automation. We do it for you. It is pretty simple and you save time.

Outlook plugin
Synchronize your Easy Project data with Microsoft Outlook - quickly and easily. Save time with bidirectional synchronization of calendars, contacts, tasks, CRM cases, attendance records, and other real-time data.

Synchronization of calendars and contacts
Simply synchronize your calendars and contacts in Easy Project using any CalDAV or CardDAV compatible service, such as Microsoft Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird, Apple iOS, and Google Android OS! Save time with real-time bidirectional data synchronization.

Data import in XML/CSV format
No more switching between applications when you need to open or edit data in different places. From now on, you can have all the data in one application only. The XML/CSV importer enables you to convert any existing data in a compatible format into Easy Project.

Data import from Redmine
Easy Project is fully compatible with Redmine project tool. If you are going to upgrade from Redmine to Easy Project, there is nothing easier than taking a complete old database, including information about all projects, tasks and other entities, and migrating it to our application.
Standardized imports

Data import from Microsoft Project
If you used Microsoft Project before going to Easy Project, you probably have a lot of data in need of transfer. You can do it very easily! This tool allows importing projects and tasks created in Microsoft Project into our application.

Data import from Microsoft Excel
Import your data into Easy Project directly from a Microsoft Excel file. You can easily migrate entire projects, tasks and sub-tasks in one step, including automatic mapping migrated data to existing attributes in Easy Project.

Data import from Jira
Jira importer is a very useful tool when you are going to convert any data from your existing Jira project system into Easy Project. Just export the relevant data from the Jira system and then follow our simple instructions for importing the file.

Data import from Asana
If you want to migrate your projects and tasks from Asana to Easy Project, there is nothing easier than use this importer. First, export the selected data from Asana and then upload the exported data file to our application. Follow a few simple import instructions.