Time tracking & Reporting
It is well known that "what is not measured, cannot be improved". Therefore, tracking and logging time is important for everyone who wants to achieve better results. Easy Project allows you to track time spent on tasks and projects in several ways, including stopwatches and manual input of time on tasks.

Time Report Dashboard
Time reporting should be a crucial part of any project management. Have you ever wondered how much of your and your team’s time last month has been billed? Or how many hours individual team members have worked last week? How many hours were spent on specific projects? Time Report Dashboard is here to tell you.

Time tracking and reporting for efficiency and planning
Time tracking and reporting is the key to efficient time management and planning. It allows employees to efficiently utilize and report their time, and managers can monitor spent time and use it as a reference for future project planning.

Timesheets for weekly spent time reporting
Timesheets are an easy way of creating spent time reports on projects or tasks. Users can create weekly time sheets and managers control and approve them.

Stopwatch for exact time tracking
Stopwatch (aka Task Timer) is used for exact time tracking on tasks. When you are ready to start working, just click on the "Start working" button. You can pause the timer anytime and then, when you get to the task again, just resume it from the previous state. When you finish working on the task, end the timer and you instantly see the total amount of recorded time just like the time logging option. Furthermore, managers and team leaders can see an overview of running or paused stopwatches of their team members.