Resource Management
With Easy Project Resource Management, you can identify user expertise, make sure that all workers are optimally loaded, and guarantee that all resources are utilized efficiently. You can manage resources in a classic or agile way. Thanks to its integration with Easy Gantt and attendance management, assignment of tasks are performed on a defined timeline, and vacations are taken into account.

Agile Resource Management
A brand new module for a clear top-level assignment of teams and users to projects, including built-in skill management. Experience harmony in projects, teams, and people collaboration at your fingertips. Handle your resources in an agile way. This module represents the next-level optimization for your resources.

Resource Management Master Plan
Efficient utilization of resources across all projects and an instant overview of under-resourced projects are easy with the Resource Master Plan. Tasks can be assigned according to employee expertise while keeping each person’s workload balanced.

Competency Management
Using Competency Management, you can identify the full capabilities of your company, determine the competencies of your workers, and consequently effectively utilize available competencies by giving clearly granulated projects and setting project plans.

Attendance Dashboard
This dashboard gives you a snapshot of when your employees and/or colleagues are present at your business office, home office, have a break or are absent. It allows you to easily create custom reports for the Finance office’s budgeting needs.

With Calendar, you can plan and assign tasks for yourself or other users directly on your calendar. You will immediately find out when a user is busy with other scheduled events such as meetings, business activities, or other assigned tasks. It also shows the attendance of users, making it impossible to plan assignments during their absence.

Attendance Management for vacation approval requests
Efficient time utilization can be jeopardized by employees' irregular attendance. With the Attendance Management system, workers can log and plan their attendance, and managers can access the attendance plans and statistics of all users.

Resource Dashboard
The Resource Dashboard shows you the most/least loaded users, task types with the most hours allocated, and diagrams with visualized workers' time utilization. You also get an overview of the total hours allocated and control over any discrepancies in allocation.