Debian 8 End of Life
We'd like to inform you about the upcoming end of life of Debian 8 OS that could impact your production Easy Project application. Security updates for Debian 8 will be discontinued on June 30, 2020.

What does this mean for you?
If you are running your application on a different OS, you can ignore this article.
If you are running your application on a VM (virtual machine) delivered by Easy Software, or your own Debian environment, please check the version of Debian.
Our Easy Project updates will still be available (if you have them prepaid) but we can't guarantee you the ability to install them after the aforementioned date due to third party dependencies.
How can Easy Software aid you in solving the situation?
1. We can send you a brand new VM free of charge, which will contain Debian 10. If needed, we can also assist you with data migration. This service may be charged based on individual requirements.
2. We can provide you with a quote for update of your current environment to the latest version of the OS (Debian 10).
3. We can assist you with moving your application to the Easy Cloud where you will never have to care about such situations again. Our cloud specialists are dedicated to maintain your application in the best possible way 24/7.
On behalf of the Easy Software team, I would like to thank you for taking such good care of your application. Please contact us at your earliest convenience so we can discuss the most suitable solution for your company.