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Server Solutions Going Extinct?

2 minutes
Anna Ogunnusi

Since Atlassian, an important player in the project management market, has announced the end of Jira Server solution (with the process commencing in 2021), we all ask ourselves “Is this the beginning of the end of Server Solutions?”

Server Solutions Going Extinct?

Perhaps we should first clarify a few terms, such as “Server” and “Cloud”.

The Server solution is designed for your own server (you host the software). By purchasing this solution you obtain installable software + the source code.

The Cloud solution is hosted on servers of the provider, such as Easy Software or Atlassian, in various locations. By purchasing this solution, you obtain the right to use the software in the cloud for a defined period of time.

Here are 3 reasons why we think server solutions might be slowly disappearing, but also 3 reasons why they might stay with us a bit longer.

Server solutions to stay because:

  1. Known and widely used solution
    Server solutions have been around for a while, and many clients got used to them over the past years. Since changes can be uncomfortable, as human beings we prefer to stick to what we are familiar with, rather than opting-in for something new.
  1. Better security and control
    Handling sensitive information is a daily business of many big companies. Therefore, they have certain data protection guidelines to follow. Under such circumstances, they have to stick to a server solution, and switching to Cloud is not an option for them at all.
  1. Easy upkeeps for big companies
    Unlike small and medium-sized businesses, big companies or corporations usually have a dedicated IT team of technicians. Such a team can easily operate and maintain servers and perform updates. If the team is in place, there is no need to involve any external workers, and therefore it brings no extra cost to the company budget.

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Server solution to diminish because:

  1. Higher upfront cost
    When purchasing a Server solution instead of the Cloud one, we are talking about thousands of dollars or euros. With a Cloud solution, you can opt for various pricing plans – paying monthly, quarterly, or annually – and expect no big strain on your budget. But for many small and medium businesses, the higher upfront cost makes the server solution a no-go.
  1. Slower adaptability and updates
    Updates of cloud software solutions are easy, and there is no need for the client to get involved. While when you are on a server, you have to have a person to install those updates. Having some tailor-made solutions and adjustments makes this process even more tricky. Not to mention that the process of updating the actual physical server, RAM upgrades, or hardware replacements requires another level of technical skills. And the budget.
  1. Requires technical team within the company
    Once running on a server, companies are fully responsible both for hardware upkeep and installing software upgrades. Many companies with local servers usually must have a dedicated technician, or even an entire team, to make sure data servers are running smoothly.

What is your opinion on server solutions – are they to stay? We would love to hear from you. Please comment below!

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