Color schemes
Currently, there are three ways to apply color schemes to tasks, each offering different ways to visually prioritize and organize your workflow.
Whether you're looking to highlight urgent tasks, categorize by Task type, or distinguish tasks based on Task Status, these color schemes can help streamline task management.
In this guide, we'll walk you through each option, how to set them up, and what results you can expect, ensuring you can easily personalize your task list for maximum efficiency.
Scheme selection
To select a color scheme, navigate to Administration >> Settings >> Task Tracking. From there, you can choose from three different options. Note that only one color scheme can be active at a time.
The color settings interface remains consistent across the platform. At the bottom of each status, task type, or priority settings, you'll find a selection of colors to choose from. You can also see the current color scheme applied, ensuring that your choices are always visible and easy to adjust.
Scheme by task priority
The color of tasks will change based on their priority. To customize the color for each priority, go to Administration >> Categories >> Task priorities.
Each priority level can be assigned its own color, allowing you to quickly identify which tasks can wait and which ones require immediate attention.
In priority edit mode, you'll find a list of color options. Simply select the desired color, and then click Save to apply the changes.
As a result the task list can look like this:
Scheme by task status
The colors of tasks will change based on their status, allowing you to easily distinguish their current state. To assign a color to each task status, go to Administration >> Task Statuses. Each status can have its own color, helping you quickly recognize the status of your tasks at a glance.
Color selection works the same way as it does with priority.
Scheme by Task type
The colors of tasks will change based on the Task type they are assigned to. You can set different colors for each Task type in the Task type Settings under Administration >> Task types. This allows you to easily identify which Task type your tasks belong to at a glance.
Color setting for Task type: