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Release notes for version: 10.2.x

Please read before upgrading to platform version 10.2.

Reminder for server users about upcoming Ruby 2.3 deprecation here.

Optimization - Email notification queue (temporarily removed)

A great possibility to enhance user experience and relieve mail servers. This (still optional) function gathers all task updates made within a certain time period and sends email notifications in given intervals (e.g. every 15 minutes). Thus saving resources of application server and mail server by not triggering notification with every task edit.

This feature will be implemented as the sole email notification processor in an upcoming major version. We recommend to use it without unnecesary delays, your users will be thankful, as well as you email admins. You can start using it immediately with version 10.2. Just write to our support, who will enable the notification queue function on your application.

Tooltip when dragging a task in Gantt

A handy tooltip to help you plan tasks precisely even in large scale Gantt view (weeks, months)

Disable social options on login page

New checkbox to control visibility of social logins.

Admin >> Settings >> Authentication

Removed osbolete task statistics page

All contents of this old hard-coded task reports are available via custom charts.

Removed "Mass editation of projects" button from project settings

Removed from settings on specific projects. However, still available in Administration >> Projects.

20+ other changes

Our tireless developers have also prepared you more than 20 other changes that are not visible to the naked eye, but have impact on the stability and usability of Easy Project.

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