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Release notes for version: 10.7.1

Please read before upgrading to platform version 10.7.1.

E-mail notification option works wrong

A user who had the option “I don’t want to be notified as a previous assignee” enabled was never notified of changes except for an assignee change.

Fixed. A user who has the option “I don’t want to be notified as a previous assignee” enabled receives all notifications except for those as a previous assignee.

A per-project API for the entity Documents

Sharepoint and other systems needed access to documents via Rest API.

Developed a per-project API for the entity Documents.

Grammar mistakes in the Gantt chart (Czech language)

Grammar mistakes appeared in the Gantt chart (Czech language).

Fixed. The grammar mistakes were corrected.

JS chart error - legend.inset is undefined

An error occurred when a user saved a personalized page module as a pie chart with a legend and then re-saved the same module as a bar chart.

Fixed. No error occurs when a user saves a personalized page module as a pie chart with a legend and then re-saves the same module as a bar chart.

Holiday shown wrong in the Scheduler

The controller, which returns data for the Scheduler calendar, returns the time of "holiday" in the wrong time-zone.

Fixed. Holiday is shown in the correct time-zone in the Scheduler.

The “Include subtasks' budgets“ option in Display Settings on WBS shown incorrectly

The “Include subtasks' budgets“ option in Display Settings on WBS shows even when the Budget module is not activated on the project.

Fixed. The “Include subtasks' budgets“ option in Display Settings on WBS shows only when the Budget module is activated on the project and the Budget button is pressed.

On date picker, the link "x Clear" slips down when an alert text is shown

The link "x Clear" slips down, being overlapping the alert text. At the same time, errors are shown on the console.

Fixed. The link "x Clear" does not slip down and errors are not shown on the console.

Test Cases Execution - related tasks

It was possible to add a task into Test Cases Execution from a project that doesn't have the Test Cases module enabled.

Fixed. It is only possible to add a task into Test Cases Execution from a project that does have the Test Cases module enabled.

Easy Gantt Pro shows a tip from the free version

Due to a mix in files between the free and pro versions of Easy Gantt, Easy Gantt Pro showed a tip from the free version.

Fixed. Easy Gantt Pro only shows tips from the Pro version.

Cannot accept/decline meetings in the Scheduler

It was not possible to accept/decline meetings in the Scheduler.

Fixed. It is possible to accept/decline meetings in the Scheduler without issues.

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