Release notes for version: 10.7.x
Please read before upgrading to platform version 10.7.
Recommended Ruby version: 2.6.x
Extended context menu on Project list
The project list context menu (right click) has been given more edit options.
Due to its complexity, it is only available in this form for a single project.
API for archived projects
The feature itself is added admin/projects list into API. Archived projects can be retrieved from this list using filter for archived status.
/admin/projects.xml ; status of archived projects = 9
Code cleanup - removed hardcoded task statistics
In our continuous optimization efforts, we have removed another chunk of unnecessary code. This time they are pages with hardcoded task statistics.
- "issues" report - /projects/*/issues/report
- "easy issues" report - /projects/*/easy_report_issues/
Both of them are substituted by more than adequately by task query in output chart or report.
Other 12 smaller changes
As always, not all changes require their mention in this article, but were other bug fixes, minor changes and security tweaks that made it into version 10.7.