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Release notes for version: 10.9.x

Please read before upgrading to platform version 10.9.

Recommended Ruby version: 2.6.x

Separate permissions for Gantt and Resource management

Based on user feedback, we implemented separation of permissions for Gantt and Resource management, which were previously managed by common permissions. The most requested case to cover was to allow external users to view Gantt (project timeline), but disallow view of estimated hours and allocations, which are seen in RM.


  • View [type] Gantt & Resource management
  • Edit [type] Gantt & Resource management


  • View [type] Gantt
  • View [type] Resource management
  • Edit [type] Gantt
  • Edit [type] Resource management

What happens after upgrade?

Simple, those roles that previously had certain view or edit permissions enabled for Gantt and RM together, will now have the corresponding permissions enabled for Gantt and RM separately => nothing changes in your existing allowed operations for your roles.

Use with caution

Please be cautious and verify expected functioning when setting various combinations of Gantt and RM permissions, before applying them in production.

While we tested as many cases as we could and fixed as many issues as possible, there still may be situations that may not work as you expect. One of the reasons is the very close interconnection between Gantt and Resource management functionality, that makes it technically impossible to separate certain logic.

As a result, you may find examples of seemingly buggy behaviour, such as unfunctioning toggler from Gantt to RM (if Gantt is allowed and RM disallowed), or 403 (permission denied) errors in saving Gantt or RM in case of missing Edit permissions.

Twenty-five other changes

The other changes are not individually significant to earn a detailed description. However, together as a whole, they once again bring performance improvements and simplifications in control and navigation of the application.

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