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Release notes for version: 11plus.9.0

Technological stack

This section is important for Server solution. Cloud users need not worry about any of this.

  • OS: Debian 10 or 11 on amd64 architecture
  • Redmine: upgradable from version 4.2.5
  • Ruby: 2.7.x
  • Bundler: 2.2.x
  • Rubygems: 3.3.x
  • Database: Percona/MySQL 5.7+
  • redis-server: 5+
  • NodeJS: 14.16

Please note the Rubygems version. Using a different one will cause issues especially with JS components. If you have a different one, please upgrade or contact support.

CRM improvements and fixes

Most changes in this minor version are in the B2B CRM. There are various fixes for migration from CRM 1.0 (version 10 and lower) to B2B CRM. Other fixes concern lead qualification (fields transfer).

Sales activities - add personal contacts as attendees

For better evidence of participants, including form the side of the Customer

Removed unnecessary fields

Fields Project owner and External account manager were removed from the entity Personal contacts. If you actively used these fields on personal contacts, please inform your consultant or support.

Bulk edit of budget items contain date

When editing multiple budget items, the field Date is now available to change as well.

Other changes and version 12

Don't forget to check the changelog for more changes.

If this minor version seems a bit boring, it is because our main development efforts are focused on version 12, which brings great new features, technological improvements with seamless upgrade procedure.

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