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Release notes for version: 12.5.0

Technological stack

This section is important for Server solution. Cloud users need not worry about any of this.

  • OS: Debian 10 or 11 on amd64 architecture
  • Redmine: upgradable from version 5.0.2
  • Ruby: 3.1.2
  • Bundler: 2.3.7+
  • Rubygems: 3.3.x
  • Database: Percona/MySQL 8.x
  • redis-server: 5+
  • NodeJS: 18.8

If upgrading from version 11 or lower, please refer to release notes for 12.0 and other 12.x versions as well.

Search improvements

Personalized preset

Users can now set their own default search preferences - which entities are ticked, open vs. all tasks, sorting.

Configuration is done directly in search bar.

The ability to change settings ad-hoc, naturally remains.


Some entities were previously missing icons (mostly CRM entities). All entities now have icons for better recognition of the results and design consistency.

More weight to results in Title

To increase relevance of search results, search will give more weight to items that have the match in Title (task subject, project name, etc.) than in content (task description, etc…).

Version 12.6.0 will bring another batch of search improvements.

Key/value list - AND filtering

Custom field type Key/value list with option Multiple values enabled. Filtering by this field now also possible with AND operator.

Practically it means that the entity must have both values selected to satisfy the filter.

Helpdesk - fill Email to from author (setting per project)

New option in help desk settings on project - Fill email to from

When this option is selected, the author's email will be automatically filled in new ticket.

This option is useful when you have projects where tickets are created by real users, instead of via processing incoming emails.

Admin / Info contains more info

Page /admin/info contains new sections about OS and database. If you are running Easy Project Server and ask for troubleshooting from our support, please provide full content of page /admin/info, which may help uncover the potential root cause.

Removed map output on Accounts and Stakeholders

Regrettably, we had to remove this feature/output for the concerned entity types.

  • It was dependent on external service with FUP => we could not guarantee stable functioning neither on Cloud and definitely not on Server solution
  • It had too large resource consumption relative to value

We apologize to those that have used the feature. If you really miss it, please inform your account manager or customer care. In case of massive feedback, we will look at possible functioning substitutes.

Filters/options buttons visual improvement

Buttons on filters were modernized.



Button "refresh timesheet"

A new button has been added on Time sheets - Refresh. It will align data from spent time with the time sheet.


There are operations in time sheet which may misalign the data - for example removing a row in time sheet without deleting the time entries.

This button will refresh the time sheet to reflect real state of time entries of the user in the given time period.

Budgets - permission to view "margin" values


There was no option to control visibility of Profit margin and Net margin items on the budget of a project.


Profit margin and Net margin are tied to new permission called View margins in the Budgets section. With this permission + related permission Access budget module user is able to see the net margin. To view profit margin user also requires permissions View real incomes and expenses.

⚠IMPORTANT⚠: This permission is disabled by default. Please enable it manually for roles that should see these values.

Added permission to use short URLs


It was possible to generate short URL for every attachment that user had access to based on other permissions.


User needs specific permission Manage short urls to be able to generate attachments short links.

⚠IMPORTANT⚠: This permission is disabled by default. Please enable it manually for roles that should be able to use short URLs.

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