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Release notes for version: 13.9.0

Technological stack

This section is important for Server solution. Cloud users need not worry about any of this.

  • OS: Debian 11 on amd64 architecture
  • Redmine: upgradable from version 5.1.2
  • Ruby: 3.1.4
  • Bundler: 2.3.7+
  • Rubygems: 3.3.x
  • Database: Percona/MySQL 8.x
  • redis-server: 5+
  • NodeJS: 18.8
  • Docker engine: 24.0.5
  • Docker compose: 2.24.0

Please note that before installing Easy Redmine 13.6 and higher, you need to update your Ruby to 3.1.4. A guideline for Ruby updates is available here. The good news is that after the introduction of Docker on-premises deployment, you will not have to worry about the above prerequisites at all.

Before every application upgrade, please carefully refer to all release notes between your existing version and the new version - there may be critical technical or functional changes explained.

Help desk users - paste image in new ticket

Fixed uploading images on a helpdesk user dashboard (new ticket). It was not possible for the help desk user to paste image into the description of the new ticket.

Private comment, private attachment expansion

In version 12.4.0 we introduced private attachments on tasks. There were multiple corner cases surrounding this feature, especially with pasting images to text editor. They have been resolved.

  • Comment is saved as private => the attachment is private
  • Non-private comment is edited, added attachment and marked as private => attachment is private
  • Private comment is edited - added a new attachment to this private comments => all attachments are private
  • Changing comment from non-private to private makes existing attachment private 
  • Changing comment from private to non-private makes existing attachment non-private

These cases also cover issues when Help desk users could see images, which have been meant as private, but were a part of the corner cases, so the internal users had to be more careful.

Please still remain cautious when using private comments/attachments in tickets visible to your clients. You can check whether the attachments are private by the icon next to the attachment.

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