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Release notes for version: 14.2.0

Technological stack

This section is important for Server solution. Cloud users need not worry about any of this.

  • OS: Debian 12* on amd64 architecture
  • Redmine: upgradable from version 5.1.3
  • Ruby: 3.3.4
  • Bundler: 2.3.7+
  • Rubygems: 3.3.x
  • Database: Percona/MySQL 8.x
  • redis-server: 5+
  • NodeJS: 20.16
  • Docker engine: 24.0.5
  • Docker compose: 2.24.0

Before every application upgrade, please carefully refer to all release notes between your existing version and the new version - there may be critical technical or functional changes explained.

*Debian 11 is still LTS, which means it is still supported by Debian creators. However, some new packages coming in the future will slowly but surely cease to work on Debian 11, which means there is no reason to unnecessarily postpone your OS upgrade.

Ruby and NodeJS are strictly mandatory, without these versions you will not be able to run Easy Project.

Tired of maintaining all these requirements?

There is a solution where even server admins with on-premises solution can rest easy and forget about the management of technological stack. It is called Docker, and combines the security of on-premises solution with nearly the comfort of cloud solution.

We have understood for a while that maintaining the environment around our application is a hassle. That may lead to reluctance to update and upgrade anything. In the fast world of web application technology (and even faster world of cybercrime), this dramatically increases the risk of using software with known vulnerabilities every month your stack gets older.

For this reason, we put quite an effort to elevate Easy Project into a natively Docker compatible software. The server admin is liberated from the surrounding headaches, and installs necessary updates and upgrades as simply as one command. That is not even an exaggeration. Find out for yourself in our Docker solution description.


The changes are listed in the changelog and at the moment are oriented more on stabilization after some bigger technological steps in the major release. 

A lot of effort is spent on Easy AI, especially support of Server solution with locally hosted LLM.

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