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Release notes for version 14.6.0

Technological stack

This section is important for Server solution. Cloud users need not worry about any of this.

  • OS: Debian 12* on amd64 architecture
  • Redmine: upgradable from version 5.1.6
  • Ruby: 3.3.7
  • Bundler: 2.3.7+
  • Rubygems: 3.3.x
  • Database: Percona/MySQL 8.x
  • redis-server: 7+
  • NodeJS: 22.13
  • Docker engine: 27.3.1
  • Docker compose: 2.29.7

Before every application upgrade, please carefully refer to all release notes between your existing version and the new version - there may be critical technical or functional changes explained.

*Debian 11 is still LTS, which means it is still supported by Debian creators. However, some new packages coming in the future will slowly but surely cease to work on Debian 11, which means there is no reason to unnecessarily postpone your OS upgrade.

Ruby and NodeJS are strictly mandatory, without these versions you will not be able to run Easy Project.

Or, forget about the management of technological stack and use Docker deployment. It combines the security of on-premises solution with nearly the comfort of cloud solution.


The changes are listed in the changelog and at the moment are oriented more on stabilization after some bigger technological steps in the major release. 

Have you developed into Easy Project code? Please read on.

Version 15 (coming in autumn 2025) will require all code to be Zeitwerk compatible. Make your code compatible now by following the guide in the Developer's portal.

A brief summary:

  1. Enable "zeitwerk mode" in your ENV
  2. Check deprecations warnings
  3. Follow our guide to fix them
  4. Treat yourself to a reward

We sincerely recommend getting this over with when you have a little time. Your code will be modernized and ready for the new Rails generation. It will, of course, work on the current version as well.

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