Project portfolio management using Easy Project in finance - AXA Group Czech Republic and Slovakia
AXA Group provides products and services in the area of life and non-life insurance, pension insurance, and investment mutual funds in the Czech Republic and Slovakia. It has 1.5 million clients, 523 employees, and manages assets of EUR 5.3 billion.
AXA Group is a world leader in insurance and asset management. More than 171,000 employees care for 105 million clients in 63 countries around the world. It is included in the most important international SRI indices, such as the Dow Jones Sustainability Index (DJSI) and FTSE4GOOD. It is a founding member of the United Nations Financial Initiative (UNEP FI), the United Nations Sustainable Insurance Principles (PSI), and a signatory to the United Nations Principles of Responsible Investment.
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AXA Group Czech Republic and Slovakia requested the implementation of a project portfolio management tool for its project office in cooperation with other departments. In the pilot version, Easy Project was delivered only to the project office and was subsequently implemented in other departments as well.
In particular, the customer demanded a solution for resource allocation in order to be able to manage its project resources more efficiently at the level of entire departments and individual employees.
From the beginning of the implementation, key users had a clear idea of how to use the application and what data they need to obtain from the application.
- Advanced work with documents
- Clear personal pages
- Effective capacity planning
- Project evaluation
- Creation of clear reports for the company's management
- Easily create projects from templates
- Effective employee management