Case Study: How Growth Made Easy Software Create a Top-Level Agile Resource Management Tool
Read the story of how Easy Software did not use any tool for resource management because the traditional Resource Management system was too detailed. Team numbers of team members increased, the number of external members grew every day, and they realized they were in desperate need of a tool. Now they use the new tool every day.

Before Agile Resource Management, we did not use any tool for resource management. Why? For us, the traditional Resource Management system was too detailed as it works with hours as a measuring unit, and it is meant for detailed management of human resources.
Therefore, in our company, each team managed its workload individually. That worked when there were 50 or 60 of us, but then we started growing. Team numbers of team members increased, the number of external members grew every day, and we realized we were in desperate need of a tool. It was our CEO, Filip Morávek, who identified this internal need and came up with the idea of an Agile Resource Management tool.
We knew exactly what we wanted for this tool – Resource Management at a global level, a crystal clear overview of resource allocation on projects, team member view, and much more.
Read the story about development as well as implementation here. Do you want to know more about Agile Resource Management? How do we use this feature at Easy Software? How to manage resources in an agile way? Watch the webinar recording to learn all about it.

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