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Jan Pavera

Jan, Product Owner & Project Manager at Easy Software in both product and marketing teams, works closely with our development team to define and prioritize product features based on customer feedback and market trends. He also has in-depth knowledge of creating functional and attractive websites.

With a strong background in agile & waterfall methodologies, Jan ensures that our product roadmap aligns with our strategic goals and delivers maximum user value. He is passionate about DJing and would like to enter space someday.

9 minutes read
When Scrum doesn't work: Uncovering the pitfalls

Scrum is undoubtedly one of the most popular Agile frameworks used in product management, especially in the world of software development. At its core, Scrum promotes adaptive planning, evolutionary development, early delivery, and continuous improvement.

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5 minutes read
Knowledge Base 2.0: the perfect way to access company's knowledge in Easy Project

Want to prevent the loss of valuable knowledge, centralize it, and enhance the overall efficiency of your company's operations? That's easy! Simply use our new Knowledge Base that we just integrated into Easy Project. Discover how it can assist you in addressing your business operation challenges. 

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