Easy Project Allows Quick, Controlled and Organization-Wide Industrial Project Management
Being efficient in the use of resources is integral to the success of any project, more so when it comes to industrial projects. A tiny mistake in management can lead to disastrous consequences in industrial companies due to the size of their projects.
These large industrial projects require numerous teams and hundreds of team players to work together to make their endeavors reach a fruitful ending. A tool like Easy Project can be game-changing for such companies. Here is how.
Control Everything from a Dashboard
Project managers have to be on top of everything to ensure the success of a project. Managing so many teams and tasks requires the use of a dashboard that gives a quick yet insightful look into the overall progress of the project. Easy Project's dashboard is as easy to use to as it is detailed. This dashboard allows control of all the processes and role players in a project from one screen. In fact, every team player has access to their personalized dashboard, so they are never clueless about their role and position in the project.
Easy Project 2019 - Project Manager Dashboard
Project Handling the Easy Way
A project management software must simplify tasks and processes to ensure efficiency and productivity. Easy Project provides all the different tools and methods that simplify tasks and allow for close monitoring of every major and minor process. WBS (work breakdown structure breaks projects into smaller tasks to make role-assignments convenient whereas the Gantt chart converts it all into a visual format for error-free monitoring.
Easy Project 2019 - WBS - Work Breakdown Structure
The Critical Path for Critical Projects
Not all projects are the same. While some projects have flexible deadlines and negotiable terms, some do not provide any space for relaxation. Allocating a critical path and keeping a close eye on it throughout the life of the project is imperative in such scenarios. Easy Project lets you work on the critical path of the project and even have access to the reversed critical path.
And if there are any special instructions for such critical projects, you can attach your instructions as documents. Moreover, create an original plan to serve as a baseline for project's progress. You can then keep revisiting the baseline to know whether or not your progress is according to your original plan.
Easy Project 2019 - Critical Path in Easy Gantt
Save Time from Mundane Tasks
Quite often, it is the repetitive tasks that occupy a lot of time on the project schedule and cause delays. Easy Project has a variety of elements to overcome this particular challenge. One of the ways to avoid unnecessary delays and distractions from your core tasks is creating templates. Templates let you create new projects in a snap and without constantly wondering what important detail you might have missed while creating the project. You can create unlimited project templates with Easy Project.
What many industrial companies have loved about Easy Project is that it comes with a lot of pre-loaded options and presets. For example, many of the workflows, user roles and permissions are already available in the software to save a lot of time for project managers.